Divorce Proceedings? Where to Start
October 16, 2017 9:15 am - Categorised in: Divorce, Family
Your spouse has told you the marriage is over.
Whether you knew it was over or it’s out of the blue the news will still come as a terrible shock. If you weren’t expecting the bombshell you’ve just received, you will likely feel on the back foot.
It’s a game changer and the way you react, and the steps you take next, are likely to shape the next few months of your life.
It’s very easy to get bad advice on divorce. For example listening to stories from colleagues at work or other parents in the playground can be a bad idea.
Just because it’s been a nightmare for them, doesn’t mean it needs to be for you!
Similarly, a quick Google will bring up all sorts of mixed advice. There are lots of chat rooms out there regarding “horrific divorces” or “poor financial settlements”.
Remember – every divorce and financial settlement is different – so try not to be influenced by the experience of others.
There is also a lot of useful information out there which can point you in the right direction. For example, you can start by looking at the .gov website in relation to divorce and separation or if your situation requires it, you could speak to a charity such as Women’s Aid to get some advice and support.
Here are some practical suggestions:
Try not to lose your temper. You are likely to get into trouble, and it will make things worse between you both.
Think about how to make things easier on the children, for example, shouting at each other in front of them is guaranteed not to help.
Take some time to come to terms with what is happening, don’t jump head first into spur of the moment life changing decisions.
Don’t leave the marital home without taking legal advice.
Don’t leave your children without taking legal advice.
Don’t sign over any property until you’ve taken legal advice.
Once you are over the initial shock, the next step to take is to get some sound professional advice. At Ellis-Fermor & Negus we provide a variety of family services including divorce, finances and contact advice and support.
We provide an initial discounted appointment for new clients where you can meet with one of our family law experts for up to an hour for £50 plus VAT. They will take details of your situation, provide you with some options and advice to enable you to start the process as easily as possible and avoid unnecessary stress.
We also offer our fixed fee divorce for £495 plus VAT and the court fee of £550. We take a fair and practical approach towards the divorce encouraging couples to stay as amicable as possible and share the costs of the divorce, where appropriate.
Financial settlements start from around £350 plus VAT depending upon what is involved. It is really important that you get the right legal advice you need when you reach this crossroads.
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