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If you would like more information on any of the issues raised in these articles please contact marketing@ellis-fermor.co.uk

August 2, 2012 | by Mel

“We are delighted to sponsor Bartons and their forthcoming events.  For further information check out: http://www.bartonsplc.co.uk/” Not the Camden Market 5 Aug 10am – 4pm a day of stalls, food, drink, music and more Not the Glastonbury Music Festival 24...

June 22, 2012 | by Jess Raebitt

Ellis-Fermor & Negus hosted their 11th annual garden party at Butterley Grange, Ripley on Wednesday 20th June.  The rain held off and guests were able to enjoy an aperitif on the veranda, before their evening meal, inside the lavishly decorated...