Elissa Hartley Paralegal

0115 922 1591
Elissa Hartley is based at our Beeston office
Commercial Property
Elissa Hartley is a Paralegal in the Commercial Property team at our Beeston office.
Originally from London, Elissa moved to Nottingham to study Law at the University of Nottingham. After graduating, Elissa completed an internship year at Trent Vineyard Church, helping within their Compassion ministry projects. Elissa then went on to work as a Homelessness Prevention Paralegal at Derbyshire Law Centre, working in Housing Law and specifically working to prevent evictions.
Outside of work, Elissa enjoys spending time with her boyfriend and friends, attending her local church, Trent Vineyard, where she volunteers in leading a car parking team, and leads a Student Small Group and a Youth Small Group. Elissa loves baking and reading, and has recently decided to take up running with the aim to one day run a 10K.