Prenuptial Agreement
We understand that many people wish to provide for a financial settlement in the unfortunate event that their marriage should break down.
If you are planning to get married and have existing assets such as a property, savings or investments, we can help advise you about Prenuptial Agreements.
Although the legal position in England and Wales remains that Prenuptial Agreements are not enforceable, they do have persuasive value. This would be the case particularly where there has been full financial disclosure between the parties well before the marriage, when both parties have had legal advice, and where circumstances have not changed significantly since the marriage. The case of Radmacher and Granatino was a high profile matter involving Prenuptial Agreements and strengthened the case for such agreements being enforceable.
Get in touch with our experienced Family Law team who will be able to advise you on the benefits of having a Prenuptial Agreement.